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  You might have seen Facebook and Twitter widget in most of the blogs and websites. But now its time for Google Buzz which recently Google has released. Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. It's built right into Gmail, so you don't have to peck out an entirely new set of friends from scratch — it just works. If you think about it, there's always been a big social network underlying Gmail. Buzz brings this network to the surface by automatically setting you up to follow the people you email and chat with the most. We focused on building an easy-to-use sharing experience that richly integrates photos, videos and links, and makes it easy to share publicly or privately (so you don't have to use different tools to share with different audiences). Plus, Buzz integrates tightly with your existing Gmail inbox, so you're sure to see the stuff that matters most as it happens in real time.

Now talking about Google Buzz although Google has not yet provided any official "Buzz It!" buttons, but it does allow you to synchronize your blog-feed with the Buzz, so that all your posts are directly sent to your Buzz account.

Log in to Blogger, go to Layout -> Edit HTML
and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Now, find this code in the template:

And immediately BELOW/AFTER it, paste this code:

It will display a small Buzz It! button like this:

And if you want the other button

Then paste this code:

And it will display a smaller Buzz It! button like this one:

Save your template and see the results.

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